
In Dec. 2018, the Texas Department of Transportation approved a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) for the Oak Hill Parkway Project. After the 2018 ROD was issued, modifications to the design occurred which initiated re-evaluations and additional survey. Information and documents are below.

EIS Re-Evaluation NO. 3 - 12/20/2021

Design changes occurred to provide better operations for safety and mobility in the corridor, or as a result of utility conflicts. These adjustments to the design included adding two new bypass lanes for improved non-signalized mobility west of the “Y”, tweaking the shared-use path route through the “Y” interchange, and making operational improvements that enhance safety and mobility for the traveling public. 

Upon review, it was determined no substantial changes have occurred to the social, economic or environmental impacts of the proposed project that would substantially impact the quality of the human or natural environment. Therefore, the original environmental decision remains valid. TxDOT continues to advance the project.

The approved document and updated schematic design are available for download and review below.


EIS Re-Evaluation NO. 2 - 02/25/2020

Minor design changes occurred to accommodate utility relocations, drainage design changes, revisions to shared use path location and width in certain locations, revisions to driveways and adjustments to the roadway profile. Upon review, it was determined no substantial changes have occurred to the social, economic or environmental impacts of the proposed project that would substantially impact the quality of the human or natural environment. Therefore, the original environmental decision remains valid. TxDOT continues plans to advance the project to the next phase of project development.

The approved documents and updated schematic design are available for download and review below.


EIS Re-Evaluation NO. 1 - 05/17/2019

Minor right of way (ROW) changes occurred to accommodate utility relocations, water quality features, and schematic refinements. Upon review, it was determined no substantial changes have occurred to the social, economic or environmental impacts of the proposed project that would substantially impact the quality of the human or natural environment. Therefore, the original environmental decision remains valid. TxDOT continues plans to advance the project to the next phase of project development.

The approved documents and updated schematic design are available for download and review below.


The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 9, 2019 and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.